It’s critical to look not just weeks ahead, but months and even years ahead for potential component issues. You’ve got to especially stay on top of order submissions for medical, aerospace, and some other component types that have strict requirements.
Failure to have a specific part could result in a complete redesign. Regulatory agencies don’t exactly turn on a dime, either, so your lead time and cash flow issues could compound.
Obsolete products for any industry can make the product price go up. If supply is low and you don’t get it in time, you’ll have to pay extra. In the end, you either have to swallow that extra cost or dump it onto the end customer — either way, not good.
So when you get that last-time buy or obsolescence notice, don’t underestimate the consequences.
You don’t want to mess around with black or “gray” market goods. (We use “gray” because these sellers maybe a little more reputable than a true black market vendor, but you’re still running significant risk in buying from them.) At some point, you’ll end up with counterfeit parts or an incorrect date code.
Without proper obsolescence management, you may not receive your product on time — or at all — because the components you need aren’t readily available or are only available on the gray/black market.
We at Matric want to communicate with the customer before it reaches this point of no return.
- If you find out you're going to need a design change, give yourself ample time to come up with a solution.